While many of the uncommon names appearing in this series will be easy for the reader to pronounce, I’m aware that I’ve included several difficult names. Therefore, I have provided this pronunciation guide for characters and places.

Those names which are made up of common English words are omitted, while the names unique to the world of the Nightshade Unicorn, no matter how simple, have been included. If the reader encounters any names in the book which are missing from this Pronunciation Guide, I would appreciate being advised so they can be included in the future.

*This page is the master pronunciation guide, and is intended to be cumulative to all books in the series.*

Please note that the tick mark (`) precedes the accentuated syllable.
Apple: `App-uhl
Characters, Creatures, and Concepts
Characters are listed in alphabetical order by first or only name given in the book.

Afaln Pymseet  —  Uh-`faln (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”) `Pim-seat
Aiwa  —  `I-wuh
Alial  —  `A-lee-awl
Allabva Roalke  —  Uh-`lab-vuh `Rowlk
Allvron Pymseet  —  `Alv-ron `Pim-seat
Alvern Swiskopfel  —  `Al-vern Swiss-`cop-ful
Amarkal  —  `A-mar-kal
Ambinos  —  `Am-bin-ose
Anastine Ntoffel:  —  `An-a-steen N-`tah-ful
Andamaln  —  `And-a-maln (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”)
Ani’irad  —  Ah-`knee-’ee-rod (’ represents a glottal stop.)
Aulbwin Tonalstga  —  `Ahl-bwin Ton-`alst-ga
Aumelle Calda  —  Ah-`mel Call-dah
Avrekk  —  `Av-rec
Banduchy  —  `Band-oo-key
Bas’naya [Glosen]  —  `Bass-nye-yah
Binteroces  —  Bin-`tair-oh-sees
Binterox  —  `Bin-ter-ox
Brelin  —  `Brel-in
Brolfith Noteh  —  `Brol-fith `No-the
Calae  —  Ca-`lay
Cariel  —  `Care-ee-uhl
Churloe Tunnigan  —  `Chur-low `Tun-again
Clea Scalleh  —  `Clay-uh `Scah-leh
Clonnel  —  `Clon-uhl
Dass  —  `Dass (Rhymes with “class.”)
Delgan Dlorovin  —  `Del-gun `Dlore-oh-vin
Eretuquein  —  `Air-too-cane
Enore  —  Eh-`nor-ay
Faethlen Roalke  —  `Fayth-len `Rowlk
Fae-bird  —  `Fay-bird
Falb Relwater  —  `Falb (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”) `Rel-water
Falndeg Tiweth  —  `Faln-deg (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”) `Tih-with
Fiewren  —  `Fee-ren
Foral  —  `For-uhl
Gali Kadarn  —  `Gal-ee Ka`darn
Gio  —  `Jee-oh
Garien Scalleh  —  `Gair-ee-uhn `Scah-leh
Gha-Nomord  —  `Gah-Num-ord
Glonea  —  `Glow-nay
Halmon  —  `Hal-men
Harsok  —  `Har-sock
Holb  —  `Holb
Holbonnin  —  Hole-`bah-nin
Holwan  —  `Hall-won
Hronomon  —  `Hroh-nuh-mohn
Hugne  —  `Hyoon (Pronounced as “hewn.”)
Issap Flanteh  —  Ih-`sap `Flann-the
Jain  —  `Jane
Jaldren  —  `Jawl-dren
Jashdin  —  `Jash-din
Jhalla  —  `Jaw-luh
Jilona  —  Jih-`lone-uh
Jimlarnt  —  `Jim-larnt
Jonatlu  —  `Joe-nat-lu
Jonder  —  `John-der
Joró  —  Jo-`row
Juilna  —  Ju-`ill-nuh
Koszh  —  `Kawzh (With the ‘zh’ sound from “treasure.”)
Lamtor  —  `Lam-tor
Lemneroces  —  Lem-nair-oh-sees
Lemnerox  —  `Lem-ner-ox
Lesala  —  Lee-`saw-luh
Lonswil Esyll  —  `Lons-wul `Eh-suhl
Lewolnn  —  `Lew-oln
Liceln  —  Lih-`selln
Livim  —  `Liv-im
Lussie  —  `Luh-see
Lerran  —  `Lair-uhn
Marlson  —  `Marl-sun
Mellier  —  `Mel-ee-er
Mhosorem  —  `Mow-zoe-rem
Nafet-elu [Glosen]  —  Na-`fet’eh-loo (‘ represents a glottal stop.)
Navvaron  —  Na-`var-en
Nillan Protfund  —  `Nill-un `Prot-fund
Nogtad Zoldril  —  `Nog-tad `Zole-drill
Nolder Lawgrin  —  `Nol-der `Law-grin
Nomord  —  Num-`ord
Panli  —  `Pan-lee
Pontil  —  `Pon-tul
Qurast  —  `Cure-ast
Rallan  —  `Ral-an
Rauling  —  `Raw-ling
Redeok  —  `Red-eh-ock
Rhaslemonor  —  `Rahz-lem-on-or
Ruldern Ntoffel  —  `Roll-durn N-`tah-ful
Rylian Esyll  —  `Ril-ee-un `Eh-suhl
Rralen  —  `Rah-len
Rubiro  —  Roo-`beer-oh
Sacalai  —  Suh-`caw-lie
Saneii  —  `San-ay
Scaltern Wold  —  `Scal-turn `Woeld
Shel  —  `Shell
Shrongelin  —  `Shrong-geh-lin
Spalgen  —  `Spal-jen
Ta-Nomord  —  `Ta-Num-ord
Tahonu [Glosen]  —  Ta-`ho-noo
Thaler  —  `Tah-ler
Thonalu  —  `Tho-na-lew (Uses the ‘th’ from “with.”)
Tofan  —  `Tow-fan
Trinva Yalben  —  `Trin-vuh `Yal-ben (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”)
Tunbloth  —  `Tun-bloth
Tunralger Faetlan  —  Tun-`ral-gher `Fayt-len (Uses ‘g’ from “gun.”)
Tylonus  —  Tie-`low-nis
Ultlan  —  `Ult-lan
Umblan  —  `Um-blan
Vlon  —  `Vlon
Yalnan  —  `Yal-nan (Uses ‘al’ from “pal.”)
Yalrou Tonalstga  —  `Yahl-roo Ton-`alst-ga
Yon’ir’fan  —  `Yon-ear-fawn
Zlana Noteh  —  `Zlah-nuh `No-teh

Alervayn  —  `Al-er-vane (“Al” rhymes with “pal.”)
Amonfweer  —  `Ay-min-fweer
Apthane  —  `App-thane (Uses ‘th’ from “with.”)
Arn  —  `Arn
Arnlia  —  `Arn-lee-uh
Bolsnard  —  `Bowlz-nard
Colnarn  —  `Coal-narn
Colnuinard  —  `Coal-new-in-ard
Cylgiana  —  `Sill-gee-ana (Uses ‘g’ from “age.”)
Darlte  —  `Darl-teh
Dullsworthen  —  `Dulls-worth-en
Eslarna  —  Es-`lar-na
Fonglan  —  `Fong-len
Glosen  —  `Glow-zen
Holbonin  —  Hole-`bone-in
Littonwelt  —  `Litton-welt
Malmar  —  `Mal-mar
Malnonny  —  Mal-`non-ee
Mascaldinig  —  Mass-`cal-din-ig
Nolnarn  —  `Nol-narn
Roula [Seas]  —  `Roo-la
Novulm  —  `No-vulm
Nylorna  —  Nye-`lor-nuh
Palf [Glen]  —  `Palf
Parfall  —  `Par-fall
Roula  —  `Roo-la
Tallen  —  `Tal-in
Tallens  —  `Tal-ins
Tallensworth  —  `Tal-ins-worth
Islewilds  —  `Aisle-wilds
Rimewaste  —  `Rime-waste
Turilnia  —  `Too-`ril-nia
Weslan [Fields]  —  `Wess-lan
Ylonga  —  Y-`lon-ga